As part of her own ongoing work, NHN Associate Felicia Williams recently presented research on urban development in North Portland in the 1960s. Larry Bingham provided an overview in his Oregonian article[1]. I recommend the article and the comment thread — most comment threads I’ve come across in the Oregonian are composed of anonymous vitriol, but this comment thread actually provides interesting content (in addition to a dash or two of vitriol).

I lament the scheduling conflict that did not allow for my attendance at Felicia’s talk!

[1] Larry Bingham, “Black History Month lecture reveals how the City Council, the PDC and a swindler destroyed a North Portland neighborhood,” Oregonian, Feb. 7, 2011.

Northwest History Network invites Associates and anyone interested in learning more about the NHN and its work to our next social night!

Where: Dan & Louis Oyster Bar, 208 SW Ankeny St., Portland

When: Beginning 5:30 p.m.

Also see the NHN Events Calendar

The Chair’s office at Multnomah County is seeking applicants to be on the oversight committee for the recently passed levy. This would be a great way to contribute to the future of OHS by ensuring the greatest accountability to the citizens of Multnomah County.


On November 2nd, MultnomahCounty voters approved a five-year levy to support the Oregon Historical Society. Part of the accountability built into the measure is the creation of an independent citizen’s oversight committee charged with reviewing all levy expenditures to ensure they are used for their intended purpose. The committee will meet twice annually and will represent MultnomahCounty’s diverse communities.

Qualified candidates should have a working understanding of budgeting process and a strong commitment to accountability.

Those interested should submit a resume along with an explanation of qualifications to the Office of Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen, Attention: Emerald Bogue,

501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 600, Portland

, 97214. Or email The deadline to apply is December 6, 2010, at 5:00 p.m.

For more information, please visit our website or call Emerald Bogue at (503)988-5772.