Online Tools for Promoting Your Writing and Research
A Panel Discussion and Hands-On Workshop
Tuesday, January 24th, 6-8 PM
Architectural Heritage Center
701 Southeast Grand Avenue Portland, OR 97214

Register by using this form.

Join us to explore online tools and practices for people engaged in research and writing. There will be a topical focus on history, but the tools and practices we’ll introduce are relevant to anyone interested in promoting themselves or their content online while maintaining high standards for their work. We’ll look at:

  • Social networking for professional promotion – where, how and why.
  • How to get your work found on the internet.
  • Establishing credibility for your research and writing online.
  • Using metadata for digital photo management.

A panel discussion will be followed by a hands-on workshop. Please bring your laptop or mobile device with a browser if you have one. A limited number of “loaners” will be available for use. Light refreshments will be served.

Admission is free to current NHN Associates, $10 for non-associates, $5 for students with ID (collected at the door). Space is limited and registration is required. We hope you can join us!


Nick Blackbourne, Ph.D. Candidate, University of St. Andrews.

Chris Higgins, writer (mental_floss, This American Life) and mobile apps expert (Cloud Four, Night & Day Studios)

Amy Platt, Public Relations Coordinator, Oregon Encyclopedia Project.

Tom Robinson, Principal, Historic Photo Archive.

For more information, email

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