The NHN’s core mission includes bringing Associates together for professional development programs — such as we had last Tuesday — and to provide a network of support for our various projects — such as the Century of Action.

Another of the benefits of NHN membership is in being listed in our online directory.

After months of hard work, we have launched the NHN Associates Directory, and now seek your information so that we can add it to the site.

The purpose of the directory is to connect people to the the expertise of our diverse Associates. It serves as the only centralized Internet location where historians, archivists, and librarians in the Pacific Northwest are listed. Why might this be significant?

Perhaps someone is looking to hire a contract historian, or to get guidance on archiving a collection, or to manage an oral history project — with the Associates Directory online, this information is much more readily accessible.

Or, perhaps another Associate gets approached by a community member seeking expertise on a topic. If the Associate him or herself does not have the expertise, he or she can direct the questioner to the NHN Associates Directory to find someone who does have the expertise.

Also, Associates with listings in the directory can copy-&-paste the URL to their listing for insertion in emails, websites, etc. — it’s another way to increase one’s visibility, in some ways like an online business card.

Please see below for the kind of information we would like to receive from you all for inclusion in the directory. When you send this information to me, you can also include an image of yourself. The NHN Directory Committee will take care of the HTML formatting, but if you provide hyperlinks (to your own blog or website, for example), that will make it much easier to get your directory listing posted.

For examples of completed directory listings with photos, peruse the NHN Associates Directory, or navigate to the following pages:


Professional Credentials:
[Degrees, certifications, etc.]

Personal Statement:
[A brief statement of up to about 150 words or so]

Areas of Specialization:
[See start from the list below, and if you have any additional areas of specialization, include those as well]

Professional Associations:
[Notable associations — OHA, OMA, NCPH, etc., with hyperlinks]

Selected Projects and Publications:
[Titles, citations, etc., with hyperlinks, where applicable]

Contact Information:
[Email, phone number, website, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.]


Areas of Specialization:

American Indians / architecture / archives management / biography / business history / environmental history / exhibits development / food history /  gender in history / genealogy / grant development / historic preservation / historical research / historical writing / labor history / librarianship / media / oral history / Oregon / Pacific Northwest / photography / Portland / project management / public programs / radicalism / sports history / teaching / tours / transportation / urban history / working class

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